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2020 hindsight

Marjorie’s front page stories for the South Sydney Herald (SSH) included ‘It’s time to try Plastic Free July’, ‘Long fight to live pain free’, and ‘Trash makes a splash in Redfern’. She also enjoyed interviewing Chloe Leong from Sydney Dance Company (SDC) and writing about how yoga can reduce pandemic fatigue. Her book reviews included Robert Dessaix’s The Time of Our Lives, Marian Matta’s Life Bound and Raymond Huber’s Tree Beings.

The SSH virtual concert and celebratory fundraiser on December 11, with internationally acclaimed Australian singer-songwriter Julia Jacklin as the headline act, was a success. As Councillor Linda Scott said: “Congratulations on another successful year of celebrating our diverse neighbourhoods, discussing the issues that concern and interest us and helping to nurture our community spirit.” You can still donate here.

Another highlight of Marjorie’s freelance work for non-profits was helping to conceive and promote Pride in My Faith, a video that features interviews with culturally and linguistically diverse LGBTIQA+ people who have embraced their queerness and faith.

Stephen took some great photos at the SSH fundraiser (view them here).

As Corporate Affairs and External Relations Manager at Settlement Services International, Stephen has been drafting op eds and writing speeches and media releases. He went on a great photo-focused road trip with his family to far west New South Wales, has been binge watching The Queen’s Gambit, and noticing how Ron Chernow’s incongruous descriptions of people in Grant resemble those of Dashiell Hammett in Red Harvest: “Noonan, the chief, was a fat man with twinkling greenish eyes set in a round jovial face.”


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